Mind Inspired
2 min readOct 5, 2018


~~ I Finally See ~~

Knelt in reverence, I am found today

Dewey blades spread moisture upon my skirt

I can feel the drench upon my skin, but my mind is transfixed

Bracing myself, only moving to place a hand upon my thigh

Holding still, I am unable to turn away

Observing what’s been held out for me

The hand you have thrust forth in expressive care

I sit and stare, my mind is mesmerized

I have missed a world of depth

And held myself captive by a grain

Into your eyes, I finally see the plea you have held out to me

Silently I understand

My buckled form is liquefied in a cascade of sentiment

You have been there all along

Amazing in your stance

To myself I speak, “close your eyes woman and breathe”

Into your eyes, I finally see

You have been there all along

Pleading with me

Willing me to accept circumstance

Asking me to see beyond the surface, into the truth

Visions of past-days pour through me in reverberating streams

My hand slips down as I bend over to lay my head upon the moistness of the lawn

Into your eyes I finally see

Blind woman that I am

Tis the moment to push myself up

And stand for the woman that I am

My hand longs to fill that place you have left for me

Into my eyes you shall see

Dripping from my lips you shall hear

From my palm, you shall know

A delicate hand reaching in to curl around the strong and sure palm that is yours

One simple touch to express a world that words cannot describe




Mind Inspired

Dive into art, words, & the fabric of life. Create, explore, & love infinitely. <3