Mind Inspired
15 min readApr 18, 2021


The Devil's Biss: Part One

With one hand holding the other still, by the Grace of God and an amazing number of supporters, I seek to unfurl the unimaginable story of my encounter with Tanya Cornwell (Biss). This is a story that leaves me now, bent in prayer, asking for my children to be kept safe. Like a conductor of nightmarish shadows, Tanya plied upon my desires for goodness, to lure me, with empty promises, and hold me as a psychological hostage, isolated from help. When I managed to secure a means to free my children and I, Tanya waged a war upon us.

In court, the father of my children said, "When Tanya called me and told me all of these things Mindy did, I went to WAR on Mindy." He said that I had been such a good person for all of the years before and something must have changed me. Somehow, he is incapable of recognizing the lack of logic within his own words, that his perception of me now is - according to Tanya. As you might guess, I wouldn’t be writing this, if the claims were true.

You might wonder why the wife of defamation attorney, Steven Scott Biss, would do this to me, a random civilian? The answers lie somewhere between her dark persuasions, my story, much history, and related stories rocking the lives of many others.

Tanya associates with a chorus of bizarre and mostly unsavory characters and groups. Many of these people wear a mask of being here to save the day. They reach out to victims, promise freedom, and exclaim that they are the real good guys. Despite intel roots, they insist that agencies are bad. They find the victims, whistle-blowers, and those that truly intend to help. Information, stories, and lives are compromised, in their hands. Do they help? I would like to see where there hasn’t been an end of silencing, death, or frustration, when they were involved. It appears very much to me that the light in their tunnel is simply a means to disarm the truth and leave victims & whistle-blowers voiceless.

In order to explain my story, I will relay some elements that I was not aware of until recently and connected elements that led up to where I am today.

The YouTube Abyss:

It is like swimming in a sea of filth, when you encounter the operation ridden communities of social media LARPland. The headache inducing archives of 2018-2020 are both an assurance and a discomfort. The abundance of evidence shows a pattern of harassment, stalking, doxing, and threats toward myself from the owner and associates or pawns of certain YouTube channels. Tanya is known to frequently make donations to & appearances on the most prevalent channel involved during 2018-19. Tanya recently aired information that her origins associating with Defango (D) began in 2016, despite the apparent deception to bury those facts between then and now.

My introduction to Tanya, via email and subsequently, the phone, was made at the end of 2018, on the basis of her husband’s law firm needing writing work. Little did I know, then, that she brought me up first. I had no background on Tanya to comprehend her nefarious connections or behavior. At the time, I believed she was a dutiful, if a bit colorful, attorney’s wife.

During the first month’s of knowing Tanya, she dangled legitimate work in front of me as a promise, while presenting odd jobs here and there. This fueled the financial momentum necessary for me to continue believing a job would eventually surface. I understood she was eccentric and a little haywire, but Tanya kept her darker side tucked away from me during that period of time.

As the weeks passed, Tanya presented a character of being one of the world savers. She excitedly told tales of how this group of scientists, former intel, political contacts, and others were working to create a way to free the people and end the abuses of children. Anyone that was around then might be aware of exactly how much I desperately wanted to be a part of changing the world for good.

Tanya was offering not only a job, but an opportunity to do something real to help people. I was absolutely thrilled. So happy, I was blind to the deeper truth. With this connection growing, Tanya became privy to some of my personal situations.

I wondered, in March 2019, who tipped off the gang-stalkers about the personal duress I was experiencing when my abusive ex gave me 10 day’s notice to singlehandedly move my children and I from the house he owned (the house he had asked us to move into when he left the state the prior Fall). He promised a place for us to move into, with a year’s expenses, and help dealing with the move. After all, I had set my career aside, largely, upon our mutual agreement that I devote time to caring for our young children. He had been abusive toward me enough that I had been forced to end things with him, for the sake of my children and my own well-being. He wasn’t making the effort to sober up or heal and I was past living in fear of leaving. He had been a monster at times, but it isn’t like he had no decent qualities. He did work and provide basic bills in the past, while I picked up being care giver, feeding, clothing, and transporting the kids. I was shocked a bit that he didn’t concern himself with leaving us 10 days to find a home and move a household, with no efforts to keep his own children safe.

I was frantic and exhausted. There was relief in me that at least the constant gang-stalking had ebbed away into peace for a few weeks prior to this.

I thought it was finally over, but my nightmare was really just beginning.

March 2019, the week of my move, I was subjected to an onslaught of ambiguous accusations, threats, and shaming. It began with a stream D=MC made, including his own weird accusations about me. Somehow, in the land of garbage people rants, D=MC presumes that responding to his actions and words constitutes stalking. (Projections.) Next up: posts by his landlord, CV, harassing and defaming me. One after the other, the fans, friends, and lackeys showed up to pummel me with filthy claims, misleading insinuations, and random harassment.

*In March of 2019 – D=MC threatened that I would lose custody of my children.*

This is VERY important to remember.

I would like to note that I pleaded for a reprieve from D=MC and associates. It only worsened things. That is, until Fall of 2019 or early 2020 when D=MC agreed to somewhat of a truce.

Going back to Spring of 2019, Tanya seemed to be anti-D=MC, which I now believe was a part of the show, (but that’s my speculation only.) By the time summer approached, Tanya’s tune would change and her affiliation with D=MC would finally roar out the truth. Her demand was that zero actions defending against D=MC could be taken, using the excuse that she would face abuse from her husband if we pursued defense against the actions of D=MC, any further. *Assume standing target pose now.* This is one of many instances where Biss is the excuse and the interpretation is yours to determine. It is also worth considering how manipulative it is when people play on the sympathies of former abuse victims.

Some events are included to provide an understanding of the manner of psychological methodology employed against me.

D=MC and his vile associate, Jethro aka Jet (can you tell I do not like her?), accused me of being involved in a conspiracy with Praying Medic and Dilley. I didn’t know these individuals. The premise was purely that I lived in Arizona, which D=MC had only recently moved away from himself, and of course, their hate of me. This carried on with MagaCo related anti-Q attacks being directed at many followers of Q, along with people such as myself that had nothing to do with Q. If anyone wonders about my fury at the anti-Q movement, there’s your answer. Their behavior was so unethical, uncalled for, and appalling, that I found it prudent to defend against such abuses, regardless of my own views on Q.

During this time, where personal situations weighed upon me, it was a magnification of stresses to have groups of people placing falsehoods and gross comments about me on public internet sites. It affects jobs, housing, and other life matters.

In the meantime, Tanya was sowing seeds of division amongst myself and anyone else. She was presenting a glorious image of life, if I would only move to Virginia.

Tanya told me there was a house (originally property purchased for her own family) that needed a week or two of work to refurbish. She claimed there was a beach house available for us to stay in while that work was completed. I was told that I wouldn’t need to worry about cost of housing up front, childcare was already taken care of, and the kids would be in an amazing environment. She exclaimed that I could pay after 6 months of working there and I would be allowed to buy the property from them once I was settled in and had built up stability working there.

Images on the internet showed a cute house with a little cabin. Tanya did say that the previous owner damaged it pretty badly, but I could only imagine that one or two weeks of work, as she claimed, wasn’t too bad.

It looks cute, right? The reality of it, in 2019, was the opposite of cute. The house was rubble.

Neither Tanya, nor my ex, who had driven down to see about helping to refurbish the house, told me BEFORE I left, moving my family across the nation, that the home was a completely gutted, wasp infested, broken shell. The house would not possibly be livable any time soon. In many ways, building a house from scratch would be easier than reconstructing what was left of it. My ex did not inform me that he witnessed Tanya being unusually cruel to others and behaving in unstable ways, not fit for our children to be exposed to. He admitted, after I arrived and was stuck in the midst of the stormy nightmare that swirls around Tanya, that he knew in advance something was very wrong with her and the entire situation. That information would have been tremendously helpful to my children and I.

Not being made aware that I was driving myself into a Devil’s trap, I made the trip. Tanya informed me I would be better off staying primarily offline, for business purposes. Upon arrival, this expanded to me being told by Tanya that Mr. Biss was monitoring devices and accounts. I was not to contact anyone online or from my past. There I was, completely vulnerable with my children, all of our worldly belongings, and in a place I knew nobody to seek help from. I was forced to stay in hotels. Rentals were not available nearby, without waiting on lists for months to get into a place.

What I experienced there was erratic. I was screamed at for showing up, for not showing up, or any given decision I was faced with. I helped Tanya with some of her moving from her rental home to her beautiful estate. I helped seek the workers and services she said were needed for the property and to set up the home office. The days I’m sad to see lost were when we were looking for archeological ruins and rocks. Even the devil can be delightful sometimes.

I ended up paying $3500 to rent the Estate guest house temporarily. At some point, my ex witnessed Tanya pounding on my door, screaming like a maniac. He told me that reminded him of how he treated me and I shouldn’t live like that again. I agree.

I was finally beginning to get set up on the computer in the home office toward the end of the summer. Though, Tanya found every which way to blame me for not being involved directly in law firm work, despite my frantic efforts to figure out when or when not to be around. I am pretty sure there’s no way to do the right thing when that’s the game, itself.

*I guess I’m bad at reading a maniacal mind.*

Don’t get me wrong, I started seeking other work and places to live. The situation was not only wacko, but extra bizarre because the job seemed to be a complete fabrication, for whatever reason.

I’ve never lived in 24 hour anxiety before or since, but I lived in near constant, environmentally induced anxiety every day that summer. I recall laying on the bed, looking up at the skylight and wondering how I might ever get myself out of such a disastrous mess. A part of me felt resigned to finding a way to make it work, while securing my family in the best way possible.

Sweet escape, but not a calculated plot:

My exit was made with the help of my ex. Despite the history of abuse, he had been decent toward me for much of that summer, at least by his standards. He was actually kind in helping me drive back to Arizona. There were discussions of my return to the east, but that was up in the air. (Depending on employment, a place to live safely, and the best interests of my children.) I had news my mom’s health had deteriorated, contributing to my need to be in Arizona, but not exclusively. Even trying to stay with my ex, as he insisted, was a concern, not a viable option, as he had abused me for many years and risking my children’s emotional well-being was not something I could choose to walk into. It was his choice to never heal that situation before it went too far and truly, I discovered that he had a history of abusiveness toward others.

He soon began showing signs of abusiveness and so did Tanya. When my children started hiding under the bed in fear of talking to their father, I said enough is enough. They deserve to be safe, loved, and happy. I felt entirely against living anywhere unsafe, in any way. I needed to distance, entirely, from abusiveness. This is the point Tanya threatened the lives of my children and me. When her threats turned me away, instead of causing me to cower, she apologized and asked me to forgive her. I said I would give forgiveness, but work seemed to be an unstable idea. She did offer some side work, that I completed, in accounting, and later we discussed some cases to work that she offered on a case by case basis.

Her continued promises that I could work from anywhere were proven false when she dangled those cases to write for pay per case in front of me, but declined to consider them when I insisted I wasn’t moving back. I don’t even know that I was willing to work with her at all then, but I did want to remove any negativity from the situation. I just prayed to be free of the turmoil that accompanies being involved with people that thrive on chaos, mayhem, and threats. At that point, she told me she would have my abusive ex take my children. I was entirely in disbelief she thought it even possible, but you know… professional manipulators are sneaky. Who would ever imagine a serial abuser gaining custody after he willingly moved away from them of his own will? Not when I am a sober, decent, and loving mother that has always been the children’s primary care giver. A woman that escaped abuse and tried to find a way to mend things and create a beautiful and peaceful way for all involved, but was forced, again, to flee from the abusers.

*September 2019: Tanya threatens to have my ex take custody of my children from me*

What I didn’t know then, was Tanya contacted my ex and convinced him that I was the monster, not either of them. Maybe pouring vodka in the coffee and being high all day might create all sort of delusions such as this. I wouldn’t know personally, because I do not drink or smoke. However, I believe that it is a typical psychological pattern for long-term alcoholics, to edit the holes in their memories with visions of themselves in positive ways, leaving others to take the blame. Sadly, they don’t always recall the truth of their own actions and it is obviously a better feeling to blame the victims, rather than take responsibility.

December 2019, a few days prior to Christmas, my ex and Tanya conspired to make a fraudulent DCS claim against me. People that would do this, to scare my babies for Christmas, must be disgusting, sick, twisted souls. Though, not successful ones and not smart to admit making a malicious report. After all, it is a felony. (Confession of the call is on the record, stated in chorus with going to war on me because of Tanya’s lies.)

February 2020, my ex filed for custody.

Summer 2020, before the first court date, Tanya Cornwell seriously, and criminally, defames me on Defango’s public broadcast. I assume they wanted a reaction to confirm the strange behavior they lied about on the filing.

*Note: Virginia code violations

Tanya’s personal Attorney, Mark S, not documented anywhere on official record, was present on the telephonic hearing.

I’m not sure how they involved undocumented representation in a private custody hearing for minors. Especially an attorney provided by a woman that threatened my children’s lives.

Things for curious minds:

Does Tanya write many of Steve’s cases? Based on conversations and correspondence, she writes enough that she should be considered an accountable part of the law firm. At least, that’s how I see it. I’m sure that the proper JD authorities should be the judge.

Here’s the thing, Tanya calculates that she can do the dirty work too. She said that Steve will just claim not to know what his wife does in her personal time and blame it on her mental state. Is it legal to plot this defense in advance and then conspire to engage in unethical or illegal activities? 🤔

Tanya’s primary involvement is with a group of intel tied people. This is where unethical starts bridging downright scary.

My current concern is wrongful means are being used against me, that affect the safety of my children. Why is it this important for Tanya to attempt to ruin my life?

Refuting Tanya’s broadcasted and posted false claims and defamation:

· I did not hack anyone. Ever.

· I did financial accounting that SHE sent and asked me to do.

Evidence of the communications for this work is already hosted at https://burners.me/2020/08/11/larpwars-part-8-the-trainwreck-of-the-tanya/

· The email she maliciously claims I forged was written in May of 2019. I was across the nation. My kids were still in school and I had no knowledge of those individuals necessary to write the email.

*On that note: I also know that Ed Butowsky handed the Nunes case to Biss, not Thomas.

· I’ve been forwarded the email now. It can be proven via forensic analysis (quickly) that I was not the author.

· Her IR camera is in the guest house drawer.

· She gifted me the (under $100) metal detector and insisted it was for me. She wanted a different device.

· The work Phone was given to me and she declined I give it back. If she changed her mind after threatening my family, perhaps she ought to have requested it. Personally, I wanted nothing to do with phones on the Biss account. I knew she accessed her husband’s texts and emails via that same account and she had already drilled in that he’s a spy.

· The little guest house stove never worked when I was there. I couldn’t leave on a stove that was never of use to me. They probably did it when repairing and testing the electrical outlet there.

· Tanya did not buy a house for me, specifically.

· Tanya screamed at me to go to Virginia Beach. I was full of anxiety, not looking to be a beach bum. We stayed there two days, not a week or two. In fact, I was somehow billed approximately $4000 for Tanya’s booking that she made for herself and didn’t cancel.

· I paid rent at the guest house.

It’s not comfortable to air my life this way. It is something I’ve decided to do because my children deserve every effort to remain emotionally and physically safe, loved, and happy. The psychological machinations being employed upon civilians by these people are beyond disturbing. They break families, minds, souls, and communities, but I refuse to stand by and let them break mine.



Mind Inspired

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