Mind Inspired
1 min readOct 5, 2018


Touched by hands unseen

Sliding over skin as desire

Pooling in satisfaction of discovered need

Your magick echoes through time and space

Meeting me like a curl of smoke, rolling in

wrapping my soul with the imprint of your embrace

Forever longing

It is to this place my voice calls

An urge to hold you near becomes a fevered passion

As your solid palms grasp and pull me into your form

Enthralled by tremble you create

Lips curved in laughter as I push you in

Off the edge, you tumble into the waters

Right behind you, I dive, following you into the fall

Swimmer’s delight

Splashing in joyful play

Until eyes lock, renewing the need to feel one another’s touch

Sated in the moment, but never complete

Our eyes close in synchronicity.

Until you call again

In the infinite entanglement




Mind Inspired

Dive into art, words, & the fabric of life. Create, explore, & love infinitely. <3