What??? Anti-Q, Qanon, Anti-Conspiracy Theorist, Truthers, Left, Right. Extremists, Terrorists, Citizen Anarchists?

Is it 1984 or A Brave New World? You are the new MK Ultra. It is ingrained in your social conditioning, led by intel and political operatives, by friends, neighbors, and the very lack of touch we find behind the screens. So many Wizards that have wrought a blindness spell upon their own senses of right and wrong.
Who can riot freely? Who must be silenced? Is it possible to have a cause or share truth without being hijacked, discredited, or overrun by disinformation operators?
Trump? Russia? Ukraine? Antifa? BLM? DNC? RNC? Lincoln Project? PropOrNot? Wild Foxes, Rabid Cows?
WHO is allowed to leak intel today and who must be made an example of? *Note: The example fails when it is so fully out of balance*
When do the falsely accused find justice for having their reputations destroyed? Who decides which lives can be collateral damage for the cause? Who named them gods? They are not my God.
I am writing this in response to recent attempts to threaten and harass me based upon false information and my refusal to be silenced and broken by abusers. You may know them as those folks that point fingers while feigning innocence of the harms they, themselves do. Many of these individuals are working operatives affiliated under the umbrella of the Integrity Initiative. Some individuals may be “useful idiots" or “unwitting pawns" caught up in a web of manipulative psychological social media operations. With those charming honeypots and agitators that I imagine spawning from the den’s of devils, highlighting the pages of this particular story.
I am well aware that multiple parties have intended to make me one of those numbers or sought to use “whisper campaigns” to soil my reputation as being one of the operators or a mindless pawn. They err in evaluating my character MO. The point of character I have that makes me an easy mark is that I carry on my sleeve a true passion to do something greater to change this world, for goodness’ sake. In a vile twist of irony, that passion for good is the avenue deceivers utilize. With this awareness, I can step back and step away.
To the authors of single-sided articles claiming victimization and abuses that span in absolutely absurd imbalance:
The science of the universe, study of cultures, and histories of international relations should be enough to inform you that believing good or bad exist solely on one side or the other, is a laughable proposition. Your friends come to threaten me, accusing me of knowing people or being involved in activities or groups, falsely. Some people named, I do know, a few I’ve known in passing, but not in any sense that would merit approaching me, and many I’ve never shared a single conversation with. I’ve no confirmation that your stories are valid. I have no doubt that super trolls, grifters, mal intended operators, psyops, and such, exist without boundaries of a single political, religious, national, or personal view.
What I do know is some of those people on the other side of your stories put my Jewish friend in Nazi clothes all over the internet. They made a pastebin of putting her and her child in the oven. They came to ME, a person that has publicly made statements that I was the victim of a child predator as a child and they called me, “pedophile lover.” I put the pedophile that harmed me into prison and I have every intention of helping any other evil predators and the people that protect them, find the same fate. I have been told some people will grab me up, been shown pictures of bombs blowing up a home in a threat to gain my compliance, I’ve had my life and my children’s lives threatened, I’ve had some interfere in employment negotiations, and I’ve had people invest sums of money to create real life hardships for my family. This is no delusion that such things have seeped into my life and who those people are that are behind it. I have the truth on official records and more in evidence that I reserve for legal purposes. These attacks on me are often based upon the idiotic inability to take the time to validate assumptions and rumors or the sloppy excuse of guilt by association. I guarantee that you do not wish to, or deserve to, be punished for everything the people you know happen to do. There is no evidence I personally have involvement in the things other people do, if even that much is true. I know there’s no evidence regarding myself because I simply haven’t been involved in untoward things and don’t adhere to the harms I’ve seen done to people. If I do see a friend or acquaintance do something I disagree with, I won’t support it and I will most likely have a strong, private discussion with them, encouraging other choices. Ultimately, I do not control others and I do not feel obligated to explain my own personal interactions. I certainly won’t align with or explain myself to people that are bullying me.
When it comes to working operators, they play any side that fits the agenda of the day. One side is just as likely to be involved as the other, on any given day. That’s why there are no sides, except good or bad. Choose your direction & you choose your alliance. I’m with good, God, and justice.
If I reveal the sheer volume of accusations, filthy names, false whispers, real life attacks, character destruction, and more, that I have been subject to and witness of, jaws will drop. It is gross to see just a glimpse of a tiny fraction of it. I understand that if you’re not one of the people dealing with this, especially over a duration of time, it is easy to blow off as, “get off the internet, it’s just the internet.” Yet, I do not believe a person should feel they must be silenced or driven from simply existing online because a mass of bullies decides to target him or her. I do not believe we must allow our names and lives to be smeared across the internet, affecting our careers,, children’s lives, relationships, and other real life connections. I do not believe that I must accept that sick minds feel it is okay to involve family members or file false reports to government authorities. It is an injustice to make these harms into nothing, but the internet. It is our lives and the lives of those that depend upon us.
I have an alt account I have been filling with evidence of nearly 3 years of cyber-stalking, threats, harassment, real life infringement, etc….
I hope you are not involved in this, but any of you that are involved, I intend to see you face the legal consequences of what you’ve done. There is no single side to this. I am a law abiding American Citizen, mother of 5, care giver of my ill mother, and a person that has only sought to better this world. When your political and greed motivated attacks begin destroying innocent lives, make sure not to meet a person with a strong enough mind, that has zero tolerance for bullying, because that’s exactly what some of you have done.
You may mistake when I call out authorities for wrongful actions or the lack of just actions, but I certainly stand with any law enforcement that chooses justice, ethics, and integrity over political or financial bias. I stand with intel officers that do not believe it is okay to harm innocent people in physical or psychological ways, to achieve an agenda result that “they" presume is right. Be in it for good and I’m your best friend and I’ll be your cheerleader. America was founded to allow people to live with freedoms and that means free from biased persecution. The outright injustices I’ve witnessed and the manipulations done via propaganda techniques, movement hijacking, and personal psychological operations are intolerable.
If you care about your family, friends, and the world we ALL live in, then choose the better way. One solution needed is the public education of how to avert such manipulations. We must love one another enough to discuss differences in civil discourse and create positive solutions, rather than implementing the destruction of anything or anyone.
If you have good intentions, stand by me. If you are set upon the corruption of bias and hate, do not darken my path. For if you do, be aware that love is partners with justice. I will not fall prey, nor stand down and allow innocent lives to be in harm’s way.
This is not a game. This is life. Some play to the endgame. Marion Pettie, of the infamous intel affiliated Finder’s “cult" was the “Game Caller.” I prefer to say, no thanks, I’ll be a “Game Ender.”